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Humidity app



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Humidity Checker by Condair is a mobile application that helps users evaluate and improve their home climate

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Condair Group manufactures commercial and industrial humidification devices and systems. They decided to create an elegant and intuitive app to inform people about humidity and health. We got a request from the app developer Lars Arendt to help him out with the design.

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How we worked

The app went through two iterations. The first version consisted of one screen where users could set their home temperature and humidity and get a home climate evaluation. We developed a few visuals for the app and Lars together with the client approved one of them.

The second version was released a few months later. It was supposed to contain a separate tab with a calculator counting how much water you need to evaporate to achieve an optimal room climate. In the end, we added the calculator straight to the “fix it” flow that gets activated when the humidity falls outside the recommended range.

The app also informs the users about the impact of humidity on human health and well-being, as well as about additional factors affecting indoor humidity.



The mobile app was successfully launched and is available on App Store.

We optimized the app beyond the initial requirements: the measurement units are now automatically pulled from the phone settings. We also narrowed down the desired humidity range to 40% – 60% to highlight the optimal climate.

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A few rounds of initial prototyping were presented to our client who immediately grasped the brilliance of the design and green-lighted the implementation. did a great job of understanding the problem at hand and delivering solutions within the domain. Much to our client's satisfaction.

Lars Arendt
CEO, Appstarter ApS
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